Phosphorous Recovery using Ion-exchange and Electrodialysis (PHOSIEDI)
The objective of the project is production of phosphoric acid using ion-exchange in combination with eletrodialysis either be used in the fertilizer production or for industrial applications.
The working schedule
basically comprises the following steps:
Investigations on the
efficiency of the ion-exchanger
- Illustration of isotherms
- Optimisation of the phosphate loading
- Regeneration characteristics.
Electrodialysis and
Phosphate recovery
- Regeneration of the ion-exchanger and phosphate
- Optimisation of the electrochemical boundary
- Investigations
of suitable membranes both for the material flow separation and water
- Transfer of the findings to a continuous flow
Description of the
Phosphoric acid quality
- Product quality and market acceptance
- Process technological evaluation
- Economic feasibility
- Comparative
consideration with other competing P-recovery process technologies.
Results utilisation
The utilisation of the results can be directly derived from the targets
of the project. Due to the possible potential of a direct reuse of the
phosphoric acid a close cooperation with Daimler Wörth is intended.